Guidance & Support Boards
The perspectives of those who know us best supplement the leadership and guidance of Honors College staff. Our advisory and volunteer boards are essential and trusted voices for the College as we strive to maintain our reputation as the nation's premier honors program.

External Advisory Board (EAB)
The External Advisory Board is composed of Penn State alumni, friends of the Schreyer Honors College, parents of Scholars, and others committed to the College realizing its mission.
The board convenes twice a year at meetings held on the University Park campus.
Board members demonstrate leadership and commitment to the College through their advice and counsel of the Dean and staff, mentorship of current Scholars, by sponsoring internships and research projects, and through personal philanthropy.
View EAB Members
Brett Davis '00 Sci, Bus Principal, Deloitte Consulting

Melissa Marshall '00 EMS Chair, Career-Immersion Experiences Chief Compliance Officer, Westinghouse Electric Corporation

Edward Marx '98 Eng Chair, Scholar Access Executive Director, Enterprise Analytics, Vanderbilt University Medical Center

Tracy Riegel '85 HHD Chair, Community Member, Penn State Board of Trustees

Brian Schmanske '86 Eng Chair, Brand Development and Deployment President, Jupiter View Strategic Advisors, LLC

Robert Poole '72 Bus Chair, EAB and Steering Group President and CEO, S&A Homes, Inc. CEO, Poole Anderson Construction

Robert Edwards '75 Bus, '83 MBA Vice-Chair, EAB Retired Executive Vice President, PNC Bank

William Bogdan '83 Lib Attorney at Law, Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP

Mark Bowser '77 Bus EVP and CFO, Cox Automotive

Karen Buck '83 Lib Executive Director, Senior Law Center

William Donato, Jr. '94 Bus President and COO, Safegard Group Inc.

Charles Frazier '12 Bus, '12g Bus Treasurer, BDR Properties

Kelly Frazier Assistant Registrar & Staff Supervisor, All-Sports Museum

Linda Gall '06 Hon

Lisa Hart '97 Eng Senior Vice President - Underwriting Team Leader, Commercial Real Estate M&T Bank

Reginald Hedgebeth '89 Lib Chief Legal Officer, Capital Group American Funds

Kathy Hilt '90 Bus Division Vice President, Macy's Inc.

Edward Hintz '59 Bus President, Hintz Capital Management

Basel Kayyali '96 Eng Senior Partner, McKinsey & Company, Inc.

Jason Kushner '93 Bus Managing Director, PNC Capital Markets

Thomas Lindquist '86 Sci Senior Vice President/General Manager for Government Programs, Medica

Todd Lippincott '94 Lib Vice President, Global Rewards, Mars

Nathan Nair '97 Sci Neurosurgery Residency Director and Associate Professor, Georgetown University Hospital

Ryan Newman '01 Bus Managing Director, Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Carol Packard '99 Lib Associate Vice President, Colleges and Units - Alumni Affairs and Development, Cornell University

Mark Prybutok '97 Lib Managing Director, GI Partners

Rick Riegel '85 Eng Chairman, ActiGraph & Deerfield Agency

DrueAnne Schreyer President, BDR Properties, Inc.

Sarah Shaffer '97 Bus Rates & Regulatory Director, EQT Corporation

Kristin Smith '91 Bus Retired Senior Vice President & Chief Counsel, Metropolitan Life Insurance Company

Stephen Snyder '79 Eng Retired Managing Partner, Accenture (Comms/High Tech/Energy)

Kathryn Sutton '85 Lib Retired Partner, Morgan, Lewis & Bockius

Tony Talbert '99 Eng Partner, The Shidler Group

Edward Weber '92 Bus Senior Vice President & Chief Financial Officer, MLB Advanced Media, LP

James Wiggins '72 Com Retired Managing Director, Morgan Stanley & Co.

Christopher Wilson '06 Lib Senior Associate, Baker Botts LLP

Thomas Wilson '91 Lib Managing Partner, Frederickson Partners

Brenna Wist '77 HHD Retired Partner, KPMG

Jack Yoskowitz '89 Lib Litigation Partner, Seward & Kissel LLP
Scholar Alumni Society Board (SASB)
The Scholar Alumni Society Board is the governing body of the Scholar Alumni Society, an affiliate group of the Penn State Alumni Association. Board members lead efforts to achieve the mission of uniting and connecting alumni of the Schreyer Honors College by engaging and supporting alumni and current Scholars by giving of their time, talent, and treasure, working directly with College staff.
They sponsor the Scholar Alumni & Friends Tailgate, Homecoming Pre-Parade Tailgate, Mentoring With Honors, and Connect Networking & Career Day and serve as a strategic partner in the Alumni Admissions Interview Program for which they were recognized with the 2019 PSAA Volunteer Group Award for Young Alumni Involvement. Board members endowed the SASB Future Leaders Scholarship for upper-division Scholars demonstrating leadership in the College.
The Board meets quarterly — during the spring and fall at University Park, and winter and summer via conference call. Committees focused on Alumni & Student Engagement and Career Development & Mentorship hold monthly conference calls. Eighteen at-large members serve three-year terms and are joined by a faculty representative and a student representative. The President of the SASB sits on Alumni Council. Applications for membership are announced each fall.
View SASB MembersExecutive Board Members

Natalie Keller '17 Agr President Senior Scientist, Cookies & Crackers, Campbell's

Brian Harkless '95 Eng Vice-President Cost Pillar Lead, NAVAIR (US Navy)

Samuel Bonsall '04 Lib, '04g Bus Chair, Student Engagement Committee Deloitte & Touche Teaching Excellence Professor in Accounting, Penn State Smeal College of Business

Olivia Francois '14 Agr Chair, Alumni Engagement Committee Exam Developer, The National Restaurant Association

Eleni Kornblatt '98 Bus Chair, Career Development & Mentorship Committee Vice President, Commercial Strategy and Marketing, Dynavax Technologies
Board Members

Jennifer Ashman '94 Bus, '96g Bus President, CX Amplified

Alayna Auerbach '15 Bus Manager, Workplace Mental Health, NAMI-NYC

Lori Feathers '90 Lib Co-Owner and Book Buyer, Interabang Books

Nikolai Foreman '14 Bus Director, Environmental Markets Research, Green Trading Capital

Antoinette Gomez '94 Agr CIVILIAN CLINICIAN IN CLINIC AND LCSW, Buckley Space Force Clinic

Asia Grant '17 Bus Immediate Past President Founder, Redoux

Matt Heidecker '02 Behrend, '07g EMS Vice President and Principal Material Scientist, Plastic Services Network

Sue Kelley '91 Lib Associate Teaching Professor of Biobehavioral Health, Penn State College of Health and Human Development

Emma Khoury '25 Sci Student Representative President, Schreyer Student Council

Kristin Lambert '14 Agr, '19g Medicine Pediatric Resident Physician, Cincinnati Children's Hospital

Jared Edgar McKnight '11 A&A, Lib senior associate and designer, WRT Design

Michael O'Connor '05 Eng Deputy General Counsel, Kraken Cryptocurrency Exchange

Lisa Ruch '89 Lib Assistant Dean of Humanities and General Education, Bay Path University (Mass.)

Nikhil Shekher '16 Bus Technology Investment Banking Associate, Jefferies

Daniel Zahn '20 Lib Litigation Fellow, Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression

Kathryn Pruss Zeltwanger '98 Lib Deputy General Counsel, Armstrong Group
Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC)
The Schreyer Honors College's Faculty Advisory Committee (FAC) is composed of ten to twelve faculty from across the University, representing a broad range of colleges and campuses, as well as the executive director of the Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence and a representative from the Schreyer Student Council as ex oficio members. The FAC meets monthly to discuss significant issues as presented by the dean, associate deans, and by FAC members. Standing subcommittees review academic integrity violations and graduating student awards. Other subcommittees may be created as needed.
FAC members serve staggered two-year terms and are appointed by the dean of the Schreyer Honors College in consultation with college associate deans.
View FAC Members
Rhonda Demchak Administrative Support Coordinator to the Associate Dean, Schreyer Honors College

Gregory Dillion Professor, Polymer Engineering & Science

Chris Forest Professor of Climate Dynamics, Earth and Mineral Sciences

Chris Fowler Associate Professor, Geography

Amanda (Mandy) Hammell Professor of Practice, Earth and Mineral Sciences

Wendy Hanna-Rose Professor, Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Indrit Hoxha Associate Professor of Economics, Business

Michael Janik Professor of Chemical Engineering, Acting Department Head

Phillip Jolly Associate Professor, Health and Human Development

Angela Linse Executive Director and Associate Dean, Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence

Gonzalo Rubio Associate Professor, Classics & Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Maura Shea Associate Teaching Professor, Bellisario College of Communications

Richard Stoller Interim Associate Dean, Schreyer Honors College

Schreyer Honors College Student Council Representative Member, Schreyer Honors College Student Council
Ethics Committee
The Ethics Committee consists of a group of faculty interested in helping the Schreyer Honors College incorporate ethics into the Scholar experience.
View Ethics Committee Members
Jeffrey Catchmark Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Agricultural and Biological Engineering Affiliated Faculty, Rock Ethics Institute

Jennifer Eury Clinical Assistant Professor, Management and Organization Affiliated Faculty, Rock Ethics Institute

Joshua Inwood Associate Professor, Geography Senior Research Associate, Rock Ethics Institute

Hil Malatino Assistant Professor, Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies and Philosophy Research Associate, Rock Ethics Institute

Ted Toadvine Nancy Tuana Director, Rock Ethics Institute Associate Professor, Philosophy