Learn, Lead & Explore About Us

A legacy of vision and values. A tradition of academic excellence. A future of great promise. That passion for success with honor at Penn State and beyond defines the Schreyer Honors College.

We say we are "shaping people who shape the world." This is why Mr. Schreyer used to say that he was "bullish" on our future, because Penn Staters are ready to make this world a better place.

Mission, Vision & Values History & Traditions
Schreyer Honors College Scholars Medal

Shaping the World Our Mission

The Schreyer Honors College seeks to enrich our Scholars and, in turn, the world, by encouraging pursuits of:

Schreyer Scholar Kriston Ramdass working on his thesis

Academic Excellence with Integrity

Schreyer Scholar Markea Dickinson on a cliff in Argentina

Building a Global Perspective

Scholars giving back as part of a Remote Area Medical team

Creating Opportunities for Leadership & Civic Engagement

Our Mission, Vision & Values

Through the Years History & Traditions

Much like the University that houses the Honors College, we have a storied history and proud traditions on which we are built.

Learn More
William and Joan Schreyer

Where We've Been and Where We're Going Annual Magazine

Interested in what the Schreyer Honors College has accomplished and how we see the future? Review our annual magazine.

Annual Magazine

Guidance & Support Our Boards

Our advisory and volunteer boards are essential and valued voices for the Schreyer Honors College.

Meet Our Board Members

Dedicated Support Our Staff

The staff of the Schreyer Honors College is focused and dedicated to supporting the Honors College and our Scholars.

Meet Our Staff
Schreyer Scholar Siddhi Deshpande

Schreyer offers so many unique experiences and for me, a pre-med student, it was touring Weill Cornell Medicine. It made me feel like no matter what I wanted to do — no matter what my ambitions were — Schreyer found a way to make them possible by giving me the support and foundation and outlet to pursue them.

Siddhi Deshpande ' 22 Neurobiology

Learn, Lead & Explore About Us

Mission, Vision & Values History & Traditions