Networking & Career Exploration Connect Networking & Career Day Sponsored by the David S. Rocchino Family Foundation in partnership with the Scholar Alumni Society

Connect Networking & Career Day brings more than 50 Scholar alumni to campus for a day of career-related panel discussions and networking. With expertise in a variety of fields, Scholar alumni are ready to share their knowledge and perspectives with current Scholars. Whether you are exploring majors, considering internships, preparing for graduate or professional school, or sending out resumes for employment, this event is for you.

Apr 4

Optional Networking Reception

  • 5:30 PM
  • Nittany Lion Inn, University Park
Apr 5

Connect 2025

  • 1:00 - 5:00 PM
  • Forest Resources Building, University Park
Scholar RSVP
CONNECT Networking and Career Day logo

Event Schedule


12:00 - 1:00 PM Free Professional Headshots Atrium
12:30 - 1:30 PM Event Registration & Check-In Atrium
1:00 - 1:40 PM Welcome Remarks & Event Overview Room 112, Auditorium

1:40 - 2:25 PM Session 1 Panels & Table Talks

Legal Eagles: Navigation Exciting Paths in Law Room 102

Delve into the exciting journeys of legal professionals who have made their mark on the legal field. Gain insights into law school, the legal profession, and its opportunities.

Social Science Safari: Alumni Adventures in Education, Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work Room 105

Join us as we showcase alumni in psychology, sociology, social work, and education. Our alumni will share their experiences in helping individuals, communities, and the education sector. Discover how these social sciences and education can be a powerful force for positive change and community betterment.

Innovation & Passion Unite: How Alumni Dared to Follow Their Dreams Room 106

Explore inspiring stories of alumni who followed their passions into careers, started their own ventures, and took risks based on their values. Learn about unconventional career paths and how your major can lead you to unexpected opportunities.

Science & Engineering Innovations: Solving Today's Problems and Creating Tomorrow's Future Room 107

Explore how a STEM degree can propel you into a world of opportunities from engineering to industries like consulting, law, finance, sustainability, and more. Discover the practical applications of STEM degrees as our alumni share their experiences and insights on how they have applied STEM knowledge in diverse career paths.

Table Talks
Writing for Your Next Step 1st Floor Atrium (behind staircase)

The Writing for Your Next Step table talk is focused on strategies for writing strong cover letters, personal statements, and other correspondence. Gain feedback on a draft of a cover letter or personal statement and other written correspondence.

Elevator Pitch and Networking Best Practices 2nd Floor Atrium

The Elevator Pitch and Networking Table talk is focused on how to concisely communicate your interest, relevant experience and education, and to speak with the goal of attracting your audience's interest. Students, throughout your career you will be expected to present a concise summary of your work, current projects, and your goals for future opportunities. Take advantage of this table talk to learn how to present yourself clearly and concisely as you build and extend your network of professional contacts.

Resume Review 3rd Floor Atrium

The Resume table talk is focused on how to design and draft a resume that can help you stand apart positively in your employment search. Students, bring questions about your resume, bring a copy of your resume for review. Alumni will share their perspectives of what makes a positive impression when they make decisions regarding applicants' resumes. Questions about resume format, resume content, and strategies to connect your resume with your desired goals are encouraged during this table talk.

Job Search Process 3rd Floor Atrium

Job Search Process table talk focuses on the critical steps in locating, applying for, and interviewing for a job. Students bring questions about how to stand apart positively during applications, conversations with employers, and during interviews. Learn strategies for locating positions that include on-line applications, networking, and targeting specific industries and organizations.

2:25 - 2:45 PM Networking Session 1 Atrium

Network with panelists from the first session. Scholars will have the opportunity to speak one-on-one or in small groups with the alumni present. Additionally, alumni will be located around the atrium to talk about topics including the job search process, resumes, cover letters, personal statements, elevator pitches, and networking and mentoring, among other subjects.

2:50 - 3:35 PM Session 2 Panels & Table Talks

The Art & Science of Sustainable Futures: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches to Environmental Stewardship Room 102

Join the conversation about environmental sustainability. Discover how alumni from diverse backgrounds come together to tackle environmental challenges, from engineering to policy development.

BizBuzz: Thriving in the Business World Room 106

This session will equip you with a comprehensive understanding of finance, marketing, management consulting, investment banking, and more job options. Discover how to stand out in the recruitment process and pursue a business career, regardless of your major.

The Data Revolution: Insights into Data Science & Analytics, Ethical and Legal Issues Room 107

Data literacy is essential in today's world. Explore how our alumni utilize data in various fields, from economics to statistics to data analytics. Discover the convergence of skills from computer science, mathematics, and business analytics while considering the ethical and legal implications of data usage.

Even More School? Graduate School (MBA, STEM, Arts & Humanities) Room 112

Are you considering extending your education for a few more years? Attend this panel to gain insights into the decision-making process behind graduate school. Discover the varied career options that await you after completing your advanced education.

Table Talks
Telling Your Story: Verbally Sharing Your Story in Interviews and Networking Interactions 1st Floor Atrium (behind staircase)

Learn how to share your story verbally during an interview or through networking interactions.

Telling Your Story: Sharing Your Story in Writing Through Your Resume, Cover Letter, Personal Statement, and Email 2nd Floor Atrium

Learn how to tell your story through your resume, cover letter, personal statement, or email.

3:35 - 3:55 PM Networking Session 2 Atrium

Network with panelists from the second session. Scholars will have the opportunity to speak one-on-one or in small groups with the alumni present. Additionally, alumni will be located around the atrium to talk about topics including the job search process, resumes, cover letters, personal statements, elevator pitches, and networking and mentoring, among other subjects.

4:00 - 4:45 PM Session 3 Panels & Table Talks

Telling Your Story: Communicating About You as You Strive to Achieve Your Professional Goals Room 101

The ability to effectively and concisely convey your story is a critical career and life skill. From networking to interviewing, to writing about yourself, you will often be asked, “Tell me about you” and this session will provide an overview of strategies to respond as well as practice generating a response that you will be confident and comfortable sharing.

Healthcare Horizons: Exploring Careers in Medicine and Beyond Room 102

Explore a wide range of healthcare career options beyond medical school. Learn about nursing, M.D. and D.O. pathways, biobehavioral science, communications science, and healthcare policy from Scholar alumni who have experienced these paths.

Diversity and Inclusion: Alumni Transforming Workplaces Room 105

Join us to discuss how alumni have been at the forefront of championing diversity and inclusion in their respective fields. Explore the compelling business case for diversity and equity, emphasizing their essential role in creating more inclusive workplaces and driving positive change in society.

Navigating the Public Sector: Shaping Policies for a Better Tomorrow Room 106

Join alumni who have pursued careers in government, NGOs, nonprofit organizations, and more, whether at the local, state, or federal levels. This panel will discuss the importance of public service, the various career paths available in these sectors, and the opportunities that drive positive change in communities and the nation as a whole.

Consulting Chronicles: Decoding the Consulting World Room 107

This panel is designed for Scholars from any academic background interested in the world of consulting, whether it is management consulting, economic consulting, CSR consulting, or more. Dive into the unique aspects of each consulting field and gain insights into the work associated with them. Discover how your academic background can be an asset in the consulting world.

Table Talks
Telling Your Story: Verbally Sharing Your Story in Interviews and Networking Interactions 1st Floor Atrium (behind staircase)

Learn how to share your story verbally during an interview or through networking interactions.

Telling Your Story: Sharing Your Story in Writing Through Your Resume, Cover Letter, Personal Statement, and Email 2nd Floor Atrium

Learn how to tell your story through your resume, cover letter, personal statement, or email.

4:45 - 5:00 PM Networking Session 3 Atrium

Network with panelists from the third session. Scholars will have the opportunity to speak one-on-one or in small groups with the alumni present. Additionally, alumni will be located around the atrium to talk about topics including the job search process, resumes, cover letters, personal statements, elevator pitches, and networking and mentoring, among other subjects.

Successful Scholar Alumni Alumni Bios

Learn more about the Scholar alumni attending this year's event.

Michael Appleman headshot

Michael Appleman Director, Content Partnerships, NBCUniversal

Michael Appleman is a Director, Content Partnerships at NBCUniversal. He is based in Brooklyn, NY and works primarily Hybrid, or a blend of in-person and remote.

Michael earned his undergraduate degree in Broadcast Journalism.

While at Penn State, Michael was involved in Local TV and radio intern, was a researcher for the PA Center for the First Amendment, IM sports, and was employee at Allen Street Grill. He found that the following experiences were the most influential on his time here: Connecting with other accomplished alumni throughout his Junior and Senior years. Being able to network and learn about what it takes and how to be successful within the TV industry set him up for success.

His thesis was titled/focused on From Stewart to Satire: Alternative Journalism in Late Night TV.

Michael is happiest to talk with you about Interviewing; Networking; Your industry/discipline; Working outside your major/field of study; Adjusting to living in a new location; Making the most of Penn State through experiences outside class.

His organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Internships, Co-Ops, and Summer Opportunities; Full Time Positions.
Aaron Blakney headshot

Aaron Blakney Epidemiologist, Food and Drug Administration

Aaron Blakney is an Epidemiologist at Food and Drug Administration, specifically wit the Center for Tobacco Products. He is based in Washington, DC and works primarily Hybrid, or a blend of in-person and remote. He previously worked in private sector health science and consulting.

Aaron earned his undergraduate degree in Environmental Resource Management.He also earned additional degrees: an MPH in Environemntal Epidemiology from Emory University, and is pursuing a PhD in Epidemiology at the University of Maryland (expected graduation May 2027).

While at Penn State, Aaron was involved as Undergraduate Teaching Assistant, Ag Advocates, and Schreyer Honors College Student Council. He found that the following experiences were the most influential on his time here: Internships that were facilitated by Penn State mentors by far had the biggest impact on his career.

His thesis was titled/focused on An Analysis of Climate Policies to limit Carbon Emissions.

Aaron is happiest to talk with you about Interviewing; Working outside your major/field of study; Deciding to pursue and thrive in graduate/professional school.

His organization is not currently providing opportunities.
Cyndy Bober headshot

Cyndy Bober Analytics Senior Manager, Hilton

Cyndy Bober is an Analytics Senior Manager at Hilton. She based in Pittsburgh, PA and works primarily Full Time. She previously worked as an Analytics Consultant at Accenture.

Cyndy earned her undergraduate degree and masters in Industrial Engineering, both from Penn State through the IUG program.

While at Penn State, Cyndy was involved in Activities and societies: President, Alpha Pi Mu Research Assistant, Industrial Engineering Department Lead Faculty Assistant, Distinguished Honors Faculty Program Ambassador, Schreyer Honors College Scholar Advancement Team Treasurer, Schreyer Honors College Student Council Protege, Society of Distinguished Alumni Member, Institute of Industrial Engineers.

She found that the following experiences were the most influential on her time here: Honors optioning courses throughout her Industrial Engineering program allowed her to work more closely with professors that in turn led to research in Industrial Engineering. Having a mentor in her thesis advisor allowed her to openly discuss her career goals and he connected her with other students who had been in her shoes before (i.e., someone who worked at Disney when I wanted to intern at Disney).

Her thesis was titled/focused on Modeling Student Satisfaction and Implementation of the I-C-D Method to Improve the Industrial Engineering Undergraduate Course Experience.

Cyndy is happiest to talk with you about Networking; Your industry/discipline; Adjusting to living in a new location.

Her organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Internships, Co-Ops, and Summer Opportunities.
Samuel Bonsall headshot

Samuel Bonsall Deloitte & Touche Teaching Excellence Professor of Accounting, Penn State Smeal College of Business

Sam Bonsall is a Professor of Accounting at Penn State University’s Smeal College of Business; he is also the Schreyer Honors advisor for the Accounting Department. He is based in State College, PA and works primarily Primarily on-site or in-person. He previously worked as Senior Consultant, Bates White LLC. and as a faculty member at Ohio State University.

Sam currently serves on the Scholar Alumni Society Board as Chair of the Student Engagement Committee for the Society.

Sam earned his undergraduate degree in Economics, his M.S., Business Administration, and Ph.D., Business Administration, all from Penn State.

While at Penn State, Sam was involved in Blue Band and the Political Science Association, and was a teaching assistant for Economics and Accounting Departments. He found that the following experiences were the most influential on his time here: The opportunity to meet faculty who got him involved in research and introduced him to the idea of pursuing a PhD degree.

His thesis was titled/focused on Bank Opacity and the Lending Channel of Monetary Policy Transmission.

Sam is happiest to talk with you about Your industry/discipline; Deciding to pursue and thrive in graduate/professional school; Adjusting to living in a new location.

His organization is not currently providing any opportunities.
Nicholas Clabbers headshot

Nicholas Clabbers Partner and Attorney, Kaplan Kirsch & Rockwell LLP

Nick Clabbers is a Partner at Kaplan Kirsch LLP, a small firm in Denver, Colorado that focuses on transporation, environmental, and development work. He is based in Phoenixville, PA and works primarily Hybrid, or a blend of in-person and remote. He was previously an associate at the same firm and before that a wilderness therapy instructor, working with clients who struggled with substance abuse and other mental health issues.

Nick earned his undergraduate degrees in Political Science & Community, Environment, and Development with an RPTM Minor. He earned his J.D. from University of Colorado Law School.

While at Penn State, Nick was involved in Penn State Outing Club (President and other leadership roles) and Penn State Ski Club, and was an ORION Program Trip Leader (now the AURORA program.

He found that the following experiences were the most influential on his time here: The leadership roles he had in the Penn State Outing Club gave him a great start in his career. His current job has nothing to do with outdoor activities, but his PSOC roles helped him find work in a people-focused outdoor industry job immediately after graduation. He used the soft skills he built in that first job to become a well-rounded attorney; for example, counseling clients through difficult problems and learning negotiation techniques.

His thesis was titled The Effect of the ORION Program on Environmental Attitudes. He studied whether participants in Penn State’s ORION program changed their attitudes around environmental issues after participating in the program.

Nick is happiest to talk with you about Your industry/discipline; Working outside your major/field of study; Adjusting to living in a new location; Deciding to pursue and thrive in graduate/professional school.

His organization is not currently providing any opportunities.
Jason Cornelius headshot

Jason Cornelius Aerospace Engineer, NASA Ames Research Center

Jason Cornelius is an Aerospace Engineer at NASA Ames Research Center. He is based in San Francisco, CA and works primarily Primarily on-site or in-person. He previously worked as a Lecturer for the Stanford Univesity Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He was also the Founder of The Vertical Flight Society's Design Build Vertical Flight Competition.

Jason earned his undergraduate degree, his M.S., and Ph.D., all in Aerospace Engineering, from Penn State.

While at Penn State, Jason was involved in the of Development of NASA's Titan Dragonfly lander; was a Teaching Assistant for Introduction to SCUBA; worked as a Private Pilot at University Park airport, and participated in the Russian Club.

He found that the following experiences were the most influential on his time here: Opportunities to apply what he'd learned in the classroom to real world problems. This typically came in the form of student competitions during his undergraduate degree including the DOE Collegiate Wind Competition (PSU Wind Energy Club) and the AIAA Design Build Fly Competition (AERSP204H/404H). Later in his degree and into graduate school, working on Dragonfly gave him opportunities to apply and hone my skills.

His thesis was titled/focused on Mid-Fidelity Performance Analysis for Fixed-Pitch Speed-Controlled Multirotor Aircraft.

Jason is happiest to talk with you about Resume Writing; Interviewing;Networking;Your industry/discipline; Career Fair preparation; Finding internships; Adjusting to living in a new location; Deciding to pursue and thrive in graduate/professional school; Making the most of Penn State through experiences outside class.

His organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Internships, Co-Ops, and Summer Opportunities; Observational or Volunteer Experiences.
Stefanie Coyle headshot

Stefanie Coyle Education Counsel, New York Civil Liberties Union

Stefanie Coyle is a Deputy Director for the Education Policy Center at the New York Civil Liberties Union. She is based in Cape Town, South Africa and works primarily Remote. She previously worked as a Tech Policy Fellow at the University of California at Berkeley, as an Agency Attorney for New York City Public Schools, and as a Kindergarten teacher in Arizona.

Stefanie earned her undergraduate degrees in International Politics; Spanish; and International Studies. She also earned her J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School.

While at Penn State, Stefanie was involved in Delta Gamma sorority, THON, and UPAC.

She found that the following experiences were the most influential on her time here: She was a triple major and took classes in multiple disciplines and also had the opportunity to study abroad in Seville, Spain during her junior year. She was very interested in international politics but decided that she wanted to get exposure to what was going on across the US, outside of her Pennsylvania bubble. After graduation, this lead her to join Teach For America and teach kindergarten in Phoenix, Arizona which changed the trajectory of her career. She always knew she wanted to go to law school, but her experience in the classroom changed her focus to education. She went to law school to become an education lawyer and has been fortunate to work in education litigation and advocacy since leaving law school.

Also, her experience living outside the US while at Penn State fueled her desire to do it again. She studied abroad in Amsterdam while in law school and now currently lives abroad in Cape Town, South Africa with her husband who works on malaria elimination across sub-Saharan Africa.

Her thesis was titled/focused on Mode of Transition and Democratic Consolidation in South America .

Stefanie is happiest to talk with you about Your industry/discipline; Adjusting to living in a new location; Interviewing;

Her organization is not currently providing any opportunities.
Alejandro Cuevas headshot

Alejandro Cuevas PhD Student in Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University;, Co-Founder, Redoux

Alejandro Cuevas is a Ph.D. Candidate at Carnegie Mellon University and works for - Microsoft Research. He is also co-founder of Redoux with fellow Scholar Alum and Connect panelist Asia Grant. He is based in Pittsburgh and works primarily Hybrid, or a blend of in-person and remote.

Alejandro earned his undergraduate degree in Security and Risk Analysis.

While at Penn State, Alejandro was was a member of the Presidential Leadership Academy and a Scholar Assistant for the Schreyer Honors College. He also had various research roles in security and HCI labs. He found that the following experiences were the most influential on his time here: Undergraduate research.

His thesis was titled/focused on Understanding the Reproducibility of Crowd-reported Vulnerabilities.

Alejandro is happiest to talk with you about Deciding to pursue and thrive in graduate/professional school; Making the most of Penn State through experiences outside class; Working outside your major/field of study; Resume Writing.

His organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Internships, Co-Ops, and Summer Opportunities.
Andrew D'Aversa headshot

Andrew D'Aversa Assistant United States Attorney, United States Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey

Andrew is an Assistant United States Attorney at the United States Attorney’s Office for the District of New Jersey. Andrew is a member of the Office’s Criminal Division and handles federal criminal investigations and cases. Prior to joining the Office, Andrew was an Associate at Ballard Spahr LLP. While there, he handled white collar defense and commercial litigation matters and provided advice on cryptocurrency issues. Andrew also served as a judicial law clerk for the Honorable Noel L. Hillman, United States District Judge for the District of New Jersey, and the Honorable Anthony J. Scirica, United States Circuit Judge for the Third Circuit Court of Appeals. Andrew graduated from Penn State with a BS in Management, a BA in History, with Honors, and a minor in Economics. Andrew received his JD from the University of Pennsylvania Carey Law School in 2017.
Samantha D'Aversa headshot

Samantha D'Aversa Assistant United States Attorney, United States Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey

Samantha D'Aversa is an Assistant United States Attorney with the United States Attorney's Office for the District of New Jersey in Camden, New Jersey where she litigates civil matters on behalf of the federal government. Before joining the U.S. Attorney's Office in 2021, Samantha previously served as a judicial law clerk for the Honorable Mitchell S. Goldberg in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania and worked as an associate at Reed Smith LLP in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Samantha earned a BA in Comparative Literature with Honors from Penn State in 2013. Samantha also earned a JD from Temple University James E. Beasley School of Law.
Henry Deteskey is an Associate at Seward & Kissel LLP. He is based in New York City and works primarily Hybrid, or a blend of in-person and remote.

Henry earned his undergraduate degrees in biobehavioral health (bbh) and human development and family studies (hdfs). He also earned his J.D. at Fordham University School of Law.

While at Penn State, Henry was involved in the Restorative Justice Initiative; Criminal Justice Research Center; Sigma Pi Fraternity; ATLAS; SHO Time.

He found that the following experiences were the most influential on his time here: Time running basketball and hockey tournaments at State Correctional Institution Benner between Penn State students and incarcerated member of the community.


Henry is happiest to talk with you about Networking;Working outside your major/field of study;Your industry/discipline;

His organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Internships, Co-Ops, and Summer Opportunities; Full Time Positions;
Sean Duffy headshot

Sean Duffy Trial Attorney, U.S. Department of Justice

Sean Duffy is a Trial Attorney at the United States Department of Justice. He is based in Washington, DC and works primarily Primarily on-site or in-person. He previously worked for Sullivan & Cromwell LLP, Shearman & Sterling LLP,United States Postal Regulatory Commission, and the Temple University Beasley School of Law.

Sean earned his undergraduate degree in History. He earned his J.D. from Columbia Law School.

While at Penn State, Sean was involved in working with his thesis advisor in the History department, as well as meeting other professors for mentoring opportunities in that department on an informal basis. He found that the following experiences were the most influential on their his here: The Honors College provided a rigorous academic environment that prepared his for law school and his later career.

His thesis was focused on Japanese film.

Sean is happiest to talk with you about Resume Writing; Interviewing; Deciding to pursue and thrive in graduate/professional school.

Their organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Internships, Co-Ops, and Summer Opportunities.
Brian Ellis headshot

Brian Ellis Senior Counsel, Fidelity Investments

Brian Ellis is a Senior Counsel at Fidelity Investments. He is based in Jersey City, NJ and work primarily Hybrid, or a blend of in-person and remote. He previously worked for Partner, Financial Institutions and Litigation, Bressler, Amery & Ross, P.C..

Brian earned his undergraduate degree in Crime, Law, & Justice and Sociology. He also earned his J.D. from Rutgers Law School.

While at Penn State, Brian was involved as a Teaching Assistant and Research Assistant for SOC 119;and held various other TA and RA positions. He was a first generation college student and worked while enrolled in undergraduate studies and law school.

He found that the following experiences were the most influential on his time here: Meeting friends, professors, and an engaging in a variety of experiences made possible by the Schreyer Honors College.

His thesis was titled/focused on There Must Be Some Way Out Of Here: Drug Dependence and Social Theory.

Brian is happiest to talk with you about Networking; Your industry/discipline.

His organization is not currently providing any opportunities.
Lori Feathers headshot

Lori Feathers Co-Owner, Book Buyer, and Writer, Interabang Books (Dallas, TX)

Lori Feathers is a Small business owner and writer at Interabang Books. She is based in Dallas, Texas and work primarily Hybrid, or a blend of in-person and remote. She previously worked as an Attorney at the US Department of Commerce International Trade Administration, as Associate General Counsel for International at Atlantic Richfield Company (ARCO) and at Pioneer Natural Resources.

Lori currently serves on the Scholar Alumni Society Board.

Lori earned her undergraduate degree in Russian. She also earned her masters in international relations from the School of International Studies and her J.D., both at American University.

While at Penn State, Lori was involved in a Service Fraternity and THON.

She found that the following experiences were the most influential on her time here: Study Abroad and a Summer Teaching program for high school students.

Her thesis was titled/focused on Nicholas II, the last Russian Tsar.

Lori is happiest to talk with you about Networking; Working outside your major/field of study.

Her organization is not currently providing any opportunities.
Jocelyn Fitzgerald headshot

Jocelyn Fitzgerald Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn and Urogynecology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, UPMC, Magee Womens Research Institute

Dr. Jocelyn Fitzgerald is an Assistant Professor, Ob/Gyn and Urogynecology, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and UPMC, Magee Womens Research Institute. She is based in Pittsburgh, PA and works primarily Primarily on-site or in-person. She previously worked in a Urogynecology Fellowship at Georgetown University, and did her Gynecology and Obstetrics Residency at Johns Hopkins Hospital.

Jocelyn earned their undergraduate degrees in Biology (Neuroscience Option) and Women's Studies. She also earned her MD from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine.

While at Penn State, Jocelyn was involved as a Teaching Assistant for the Department of Women's Studies; THON; worked as a research assistant, WISE research program, employee at Center for Women Students,and as an MCAT instructor. She found that the following experiences were the most influential on her time here: Her thesis writing and women's studies degree had a huge impact on my career trajectory.

Her thesis was titled/focused on Hormone Replacement Therapy and the backlash against the women's health initiative.

Jocelyn is happiest to talk with you about Your industry/discipline; Networking; scientific communication.

Her organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Internships, Co-Ops, and Summer Opportunities.
Olivia Francois headshot

Olivia Francois Exam Developer, The National Restaurant Association

Olivia Francois is an Exam Developer at the National Restaurant Association. She is based in Queens, NY and works primarily Remote. She previously worked as a Fundraiser at the UPMC Hillman Cancer Center.

Olivia currently serves on the Scholar Alumni Society Board as Chair of the Alumni Engagement Committee for the Society.

Olivia earned her undergraduate degree inT oxicology with a Global Health minor.

While at Penn State, Olivia was involved in Schreyer Honors College Student Council; Ag Advocates; Lion Scouts; Summer Tour Guide; Undergraduate Research Assistant: Center for Healthcare and Policy Research; Undergraduate research: Dr. Sonia Cavigelli's lab;

She found that the following experiences were the most influential on their her here: Every experience I had taught me something about myself - the most impactful taught me what I did NOT like/want in a future career.

Her thesis was titled/focused on Titled: Trait Anxiety and its Relationship to Peripheral Cytokine Production in a Healthy Human Sample.

Olivia is happiest to talk with you about Working outside your major/field of study; Interviewing; Deciding to pursue and thrive in graduate/professional school.

Her organization is not currently providing any opportunities.
Keith Graham headshot

Keith Graham VP of University Program, Codasip

Keith Graham is the VP of University Program at Codasip. He is based Seattle, Washington, and is based out of Seattle and Bristol, United Kingdom for work. He work primarily Hybrid, or a blend of in-person and remote. He previously worked for Design Engineer, Hewlett Packard and Solbourne Computer; as VP of Sales and Partner, Thorson Rocky Mountain; and as an Electrical Engineering Teaching Professor and Associate Chair, University of Colorado at Boulder.

Keith is a past member of the Scholar Alumni Society Board.

Keith earned his undergraduate degree in Electrical Engineering.

While at Penn State, Keith was involved in President of IEEE student chapter; Co-op at the Defense Department; Intern at General Motors; Going to Football games; Jogging; Intramural sports; University Scholars Program; Computer Architect undergraduate research; Teaching Assistant for undergraduate EE lab sections; Penn State Tutor.

He found that the following experiences were the most influential on his time here: his honor's advisor, Dr. Mitchell; serving as President of the IEEE student chapter; his Co-op and Internships; his Undergraduate research in Computer Architecture; working Penn State Tutor, and his EE Senior Project (Capstone).

Their thesis was titled/focused on something Keith can’t remember!

Keith is happiest to talk with you about Resume Writing;Y our industry/discipline; Networking.

His organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Internships, Co-Ops, and Summer Opportunities.
Asia Grant is the Creative Director at Redoux, a vegan skincare line she co-founded with fellow Scholar Alum and Connect panelist Alejandro Cuevas. She is based in New York, NY and works primarily Remote. She previously worked for Capco and IBM in user experience and design.

Asia is Immediate Past President of the Scholar Alumni Society.

Asia earned her undergraduate degree in Marketing.

While at Penn State, Asia was involved in Presidential Leadership Academy. She found that the following experiences were the most influential on their time here: meeting her co-founder in PLA.

Her thesis was titled/focused on The Dimensions of Cute: An Exploration of Cute Typologies within the Cosmetic Industry.

Asia is happiest to talk with you about Networking; Working outside your major/field of study; Making the most of Penn State through experiences outside class.

Her organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Observational or Volunteer Experiences; Informational Interviews.
Andrew Gutberlet headshot

Andrew Gutberlet Project Planning, Design & Construction Division Head, Penn State Applied Research Lab

Andrew Gutberlet is a Project Planning, Design & Construction Division Head at the Penn State Applied Research Laboratory. He is based in University Park, PA and works primarily Primarily on-site or in-person. He previously worked as Manager of Engineering Services, Penn State Office of Physical Plant; a Deputy Public Works Officer, Naval District Washington; and as Senior Project Manager, Naval Facilities Engineering Command.

Andrew earned his undergraduate degree in Engineering Science. He also earned his M.Eng. in Environmental Engineering from Johns Hopkins University and his M.A. omn National Security and Strategic Studies from the United States Naval War College.

While at Penn State, Andrew was involved in Society of Engineering Services, Undergraduate Research (Materials Science), andSchreyer Honors College. He found that the following experiences were the most influential on his time here: Graduating from Engineering Science and the exposure to its diversity of fields of study helped him to recognize the value of breadth of knowledge in addition to depth.

His thesis was titled/focused on Engineering solutions to address acid mine drainage.

Andrew is happiest to talk with you about Making the most of Penn State through experiences outside class; Resume Writing; Working outside your major/field of study;

His organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Internships, Co-Ops, and Summer Opportunities.
Nate Hafer headshot

Nate Hafer Director of Operations, UMCCTS, UMass Chan Medical School

Nate Hafer is the Director of Operations at University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School. He is based in Worcester, MA and works primarily Hybrid, or a blend of in-person and remote. He previously worked as a AAAS Science and Technology Policy Fellow and as a National Academies Science and Technology Fellow.

Nate earned his undergraduate degree in Biology. He also earned his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology at Princeton University.

While at Penn State, Nate was involved in undergraduate research and Concert Choir. He found that the following experiences were the most influential on his time here: undergraduate research, Schreyer-writing a thesis.

His thesis was titled/focused on cell signaling in Drosophila melanogaster.

Nate is happiest to talk with you about Networking; Your industry/discipline; Deciding to pursue and thrive in graduate/professional school.

Their organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Informational Interviews.
Tamara Hambrick headshot

Tamara Hambrick Enterprise Strategy and Operations Deputy Functional Chief, Boeing

Tamara Hambrick ’05 Eng is the Boeing Enterprise Strategy and Operations Deputy Functional Chief Engineer for Systems Engineering implementing technical excellence for the workforce with focus on leading Model-Based Systems Engineering within the functions of engineering and across the functions of Boeing for Digital Thread enablement for their business. Previously, she was the Boeing Defense, Space, and Security (BDS) Business Unit's Systems Engineering Director for the Systems Engineering, Integration, and Test (SEIT) Capability leader. She led the Wisk/Boeing/Aurora Model Based Engineering (MBE) strategy and support to BDS programs for Digital Engineering proposals. She instituted governance and standardization of tools, processes, and practices with accelerated adoption of Digital Engineering concepts. Prior to joining the company in 2021, Tamara was the leader in driving technical innovation, influencing change and developing the next generation of thought leaders, advocates and practitioners in model-based systems engineering. Over her 16 years with Northrop Grumman Corporation (NGC), she served as integrated product team leader, functional director, manager, chief engineer, and chief architect across electronics, mission systems, aeronautics, space, strategic deterrent, and enterprise programs for model-based engineering. Tamara earned her bachelors of science engineering science with honors from Penn State’s College of Engineering in 2005. She has also earned a master’s certificate in systems engineering from Johns Hopkins University, and a graduate certificate in architecture and systems engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Please feel free to connect:

Learn more about me before the event by listening to my episode of the Following the Gong podcast.

Emma Hance headshot

Emma Hance Senior Program Manager, Penn State Readiness Institute

Emma Hance is a Readiness Institute Senior Program Manager at Penn State University. She is based in Pittsburgh, PA and works primarily Hybrid, or a blend of in-person and remote.

Emma earned her undergraduate degrees in Philosophy and Psychology. She also earned her of Master of Education - Educational Studies from John Hopkins University, and is pursuing a Doctorate of Education through Penn State World Campus.

While at Penn State, Emma was involved in Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) as a research fellow, the Center for Language Science as a research assistant, the Club Crew team, and Atlas THON. She found that the following experiences were the most influential on their her time here: Working as a research assistant and fellow, and navigating the B.Phil process.

Her thesis was titled/focused on Does script influence novel word learning? A comparison of same-script and different-script bilinguals.

Emma is happiest to talk with you about Working outside your major/field of study; Your industry/discipline.

Their organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Internships, Co-Ops, and Summer Opportunities
Brian Harkless headshot

Brian Harkless Cost Pillar Director, Naval Air Systems Command

Brian Harkless is a Cost Pillar Director at Naval Air Systems Command. He is based in Fredericksburg, VA and works primarily Remote. He previously worked for the Chief Engineer, Advanced Repair Technology International as the Command Property Officer, NAVAIR.

Brian currently serves as the Vice President of the Scholar Alumni Society and is a long time Penn State football season ticket holder.

Brian earned his undergraduate degree in Aerospace Engineering. He also earned an MS in Aerospace Engineering from the University of Maryland and an MBA from Texas Christian University.

While at Penn State, Brian was involved in Glee Club, Intramural Sports, and Sailplane. He found that the following experiences were the most influential on his time here: Sailplane class.

His thesis was titled/focused on Sailplane Fuselage Crashworthiness.

Brian is happiest to talk with you about Working outside your major/field of study; Adjusting to living in a new location; Your industry/discipline; Interviewing; Networking.

His organization is not currently providing any following opportunities.
Charlotte Harris headshot

Charlotte Harris Medical Student, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University

Charlotte Harris is a First-Year Medical Student at Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University. She is based in Philadelphia, PA and works primarily as a Full Time Student.

Charlotte earned her undergraduate degree in biobehavioral health (bbh).

While at Penn State, Charlotte was involved in Stress, Health, and Daily Experiences (SHADE) Research Lab, LifeLink PSU, VP of Standards for Phi Sigma Sigma Sorority, and THON.

She found that the following experiences were the most influential on their time here: The combination of being a Schreyer Scholar and a member of the SHADE Lab were likely the largest contributors to the trajectory of her current career. As a research assistant in the SHADE Lab, she was not only exposed to the vast world of academia and research, but she was also afforded the opportunity to work very closely with Ph.D. and graduate students, learning and making positive relationships along the way. With those skills, she later mentored younger students in the lab, honing her leadership and communication skills. Not only are the quantitative and qualitative research methods that she utilized throughout undergrad and for her thesis increasingly relevant in her medical school research endeavors, but the communication and interpersonal skills that she learned as a Schreyer Scholar are invaluable.

Her thesis was titled/focused on Examining the Role of Perceptions in the Appraisal of Mental Health, Self-Stigma, Resource Availability, and Work Environment Among Healthcare Providers at Different Career Stages in the Emergency Department.

Charlotte is happiest to talk with you about Deciding to pursue and thrive in graduate/professional school; Making the most of Penn State through experiences outside class; Your industry/discipline; Applying to graduate schools (specifically MD and DO but also other medical professions).

Her organization is not currently providing any opportunities.
John Hemmer headshot

John Hemmer Patent Attorney and Partner, Morgan Lewis

John Hemmer is a Patent Attorney and Partner at Morgan Lewis. He is based in Philadelphia, PA and works primarily Hybrid, or a blend of in-person and remote.

John is a past member of the Scholar Alumni Society Board.

John earned his undergraduate degree in Mechanical Engineering. He also earned his J.D. from Temple University School of Law.

While at Penn State, John was involved in Rec soccer and basketball, Penn State Formula Racing, and PSU Snowboard Club. He found that the following experiences were the most influential on his time here: Working on and writing his thesis.

His thesis was titled/focused on Mechanical-to-Electrical Energy Converter of a Micro Solid Piston Combustion Engine

John is happiest to talk with you about Working outside your major/field of study; Deciding to pursue and thrive in graduate/professional school; Interviewing.

His organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Internships, Co-Ops, and Summer Opportunities; Full Time Positions.
Gabriel Hiestand headshot

Gabriel Hiestand Staff Engineer, Herbert, Rowland, & Grubic, Inc.

Gabriel Hiestand is a Staff Engineer at Herbert, Rowland, & Grubic, Inc. He is based in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and works primarily Primarily on-site or in-person.

Gabriel earned his undergraduate degree in environmental systems engineering. He also earned a Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering from the University of California at Berkeley.

While at Penn State, Gabriel was involved in Engineers Without Borders, Reformed University Fellowship, Schreyer Honors Orientation, and Earth and Mineral Sciences Academy for Global Experience.

He found that the following experiences were the most influential on his time here: The mentorship he got from his honors adviser and thesis adviser, completing undergraduate research including his honors thesis, and his involvement in Engineers Without Borders..

His thesis was titled/focused on Bioprospecting for Phosphorus Accumulating Organisms for Water Treatment.

Gabriel is happiest to talk with you about Deciding to pursue and thrive in graduate/professional school; Adjusting to living in a new location; Making the most of Penn State through experiences outside class.

His organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Full Time Positions.
Madelyn Hindman headshot

Madelyn Hindman Graduate Student, Penn State School of Public Policy

Madelyn Hindman is a Graduate Student at the Penn State School of Public Policyand a Graduate Assistant in the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement. She is based in State College, PA and works primarily as a Full Time Student. She previously worked as a PSU Votes Intern for Penn State Student Affairs and a Technology Innovation Intern forPenn State Division of Development and Alumni Relations.

Madelyn earned her undergraduate degree in Political Science.

While at Penn State, Madelyn was involved in as the Co-Chair, Civic Engagement Alliance and PSU Votes. She found that the following experiences were the most influential on her time here: Study abroad and internships with the university as well as research opportunities.

Her thesis was titled/focused on No Matter How You Build It, Most of Them Won't Come: Primary Type and Gen Z Turnout.

Madelyn is happiest to talk with you about Deciding to pursue and thrive in graduate/professional school; Making the most of Penn State through experiences outside class; Resume Writing.

Her organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Internships, Co-Ops, and Summer Opportunities.
Joshua Horenstein headshot

Joshua Horenstein SVP, Chief Legal and Human Resources Officer, Innophos

Joshua Horenstein is SVP, Chief Legal and Human Resources Officer at Innophos. They are based in Cranbury, NJ and works primarily Primarily on-site or in-person.

Joshua earned his undergraduate degrees in Economics and Political Science. He also earned his J.D. at the University of Pennsylvania.

While at Penn State, Joshua was involved as an Economics Teaching Assistant. He found that the following experiences were the most influential on their time here: an internship at the White House.

His thesis was titled/focused on Consumption Tax.

Joshua is happiest to talk with you about Your industry/discipline; Networking.

His organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Internships, Co-Ops, and Summer Opportunities; Full Time Positions.
Karah Hughes headshot

Karah Hughes Administrative and Programs Coordinator, Centre Helps

Karah Hughes is an Administrative and Programs Coordinator at Centre Helps. She is based in State College, PA and works primarily Primarily on-site or in-person.

Karah earned her undergraduate degree in Political Science.

While at Penn State, Karah was involved in fostering an inclusive environment. She was on the executive board for Latino Caucus, BRASA, and she was an RA for the Schreyer living learning community.

She found that the following experiences were the most influential on her time here: Being an RA taught her important administrative and interpersonal skills that are crucial to her career today. She often use the training she received as an RA when welcoming clients in crisis to the agency, leading with compassion and practicing immediacy to help them in whatever way they can.

Her thesis was titled/focused on Ideological Alignment in Brazil’s Legislature and its Effect on Indigenous Legislation.

Karah is happiest to talk with you about Resume Writing;Deciding to pursue and thrive in graduate/professional school; Making the most of Penn State through experiences outside class.

Her organization is currently providing the following opportunities: Internships, Co-Ops, and Summer Opportunities; Informational Interviews; Observational or Volunteer Experiences.
Olivia Jack headshot

Olivia Jack Analyst, Morgan Stanley

Marvin Johnson headshot

Marvin Johnson Associate Director, Marketing, Merck

Marvin is a Learning Consultant at Merck in Lansdale, Pennsylvania where he is responsible for creating and managing training and development resources for the diabetes and insomnia franchise salesforce. Before joining Merck in 2021, he previously worked in Diversity & Inclusion, Talent Acquisition, and Human Resources in the agrochemical, engineering and hospitality industries. Marvin earned his BS in Psychology (Business Concentration) with minors in Labor and Employment Relations, Spanish, and International Studies with Honors from Penn State in 2014. Please feel free to connect with him on LinkedIn.
Molly Johnson headshot

Molly Johnson Clinical Trial Manager, Eli Lilly & Co.

Molly is Clinical Trial Manager at Eli Lilly & Company, where she leads the design and execution of clinical research on neuroscience biomarkers. She started her clinical research journey in 2015 at Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, then a wholly owned subsidiary of Eli Lilly & Company. Molly earned a BS with Honors in Kinesiology and a Minor in Dance from Penn State in 2012. She then went on to earn a Master's Degree in Biomechanics and Movement Science from University of Delaware, studying sport-related concussions (a continuation of her undergraduate Honors Thesis research). She is happy to speak about the field of clinical research. Feel free to connect with her via LinkedIn.
Natalie Keller headshot

Natalie Keller Senior Research Scientist, Campbell Soup & Pepperidge Farm Co.

Natalie is a Senior Research Scientist at Campbell's in the Philadelphia area. As a product developer, she works on new flavor innovations and product improvements in Campbell's snack portfolio including Pepperidge Farm, Milano, and Lance sandwich crackers. Prior to joining Campbell's in 2023, she worked as the lead product developer at La Colombe Coffee and at Mondelez International, working on brands including Nutter Butter and Chips Ahoy!. She earned a BS in Food Science with Honors from Penn State in 2017. Outside of her career, she volunteers as the current President of the Scholar Alumni Society, a Council member at Penn State Alumni Association, and with the animal rescue Philly Bully Team. Feel free to connect with Natalie on LinkedIn.

Learn more about me before the event by listening to my episode of the Following the Gong podcast.

Sue Kelley headshot

Sue Kelley Associate Teaching Professor of Biobehavioral Health, Penn State College of Health and Human Development

Sue Kelley went on to earn her M.S. and Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from the University of Pittsburgh after completing her undergraduate degree in psychology at Penn State. Sue’s research focused on the socioemotional development of toddlers. She studied factors related to self-conscious emotions and mastery, learned helplessness, and attachment. After spending nearly 20 years teaching psychology at Lycoming College, she transitioned into an administrative position at Pennsylvania College of Technology. She is currently Dean of the School of Business, Arts & Sciences.
Alexandra Kohr headshot

Alexandra Kohr Deputy Digital Director, Pennsylvania Department of Education

Alexandra Kohr is the Deputy Digital Director for the Pennsylvania Department of Education in Harrisburg, PA. She is a former employee of the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation as a Marketing Manager. Additionally, she is a former Communications Coordinator at Casper College in Casper, WY. She previously worked as a communications intern for the Holocaust Awareness Museum & Education Center in Philadelphia, and a marketing intern for TE Connectivity. She is a former Scholar Ambassador for the Schreyer Honors College. She earned her BA in History with Honors from Penn State in 2020, as well as a BA in Public Relations and a minor in English from Penn State in 2020. She is also happy to speak further about history and public relations, as well as international travel and life in Schreyer. You can connect with her at
Eleni Kornblatt headshot

Eleni Kornblatt Vice President, Commercial Strategy and Marketing, Dynavax Technologies

Eleni is currently the Vice President of Commercial Strategy and Marketing for Dynavax Technologies, and prior to this role she served as the Global Marketing Leader for HPV Vaccines at Merck/MSD. She has over 20 years in numerous roles of increasing responsibility across the US and Global Commercial and Marketing Organizations, Business Development, Strategy, Sales, New Products and Manufacturing. She has dual B.S. degrees from Penn State and Universidad de Alicante, SPAIN, in Supply Chain Operations and Global Marketing with Honors, and an MBA in Marketing from Villanova University. She is currently a Board Member for the Scholar Alumni Society. Eleni and her family live in Berwyn, Pennsylvania.
Andrew Kreider headshot

Andrew Kreider Environmental Protection Specialist, U.S. EPA

Following my graduation from Penn State, I worked briefly for a grassroots environmental advocacy group in CA before accepting a job with the U.S. EPA in Washington, DC, in 1996. While with EPA in DC, I worked on the Superfund program, land contamination, economic redevelopment, and stratospheric ozone depletion. In 2001, I transferred to the EPA regional office in Philadelphia, where I've managed grants to local governments, led efforts for several partnership programs (like Energy Star), and participated in climate change education and training. Outside of EPA, I've done volunteer work with former Vice President Al Gore's global warming awareness organization, and at the local level with my township Environmental Advisory Council. In my 20+ year career, I've experienced environmental work from the perspective of all levels of government, as well as the nonprofit and private sectors.
Kristin Lambert headshot

Kristin Lambert Neonatal and Perinatal Medicine Fellow (Physician), University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children's (Cleveland, OH)

Dr. Kristin Lambert Medicine is a pediatric resident at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. She graduated from the Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences in 2014 with a B.S. in Immunology & Infectious Disease with Honors in Biology. She was the inaugural student in the Schreyer Early Assurance "MD/PhD" Program at the College of Medicine, so that upon graduation, Kristin matriculated at the Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey. She was a dual-degree trainee at Hershey, pursuing both a Doctor of Medicine which she earned in 2021 and Doctorate of Philosophy (PhD) which she earned in 2019. Her doctoral research focused on the genetic regulation of inflammation in asthma and allergic disorders. She serves on the Scholar Alumni Society Board and the 2018-2019 recipient of the Outstanding Scholar Alumni Mentor Award for her contributions to her mentees in the Mentoring with Honors program.

Please feel free to connect with her on LinkedIn.

Learn more about me before the event by listening to my episode of the Following the Gong podcast.

Andrew Layer headshot

Andrew Layer Director of Growth & Innovation, Moog

Ellie Manca headshot

Ellie Manca Principal Scientific Communications Manager, Red Nucleus

Ellie Manca is an Associate Scientific Communications Manager at AlphaGroup Medical Communications based in King of Prussia, PA. Here, she writes abstracts, manuscripts, and slide decks for pharmaceutical drug/device publications. Before joining the AlphaGroup as a writer, she earned a BS in Biobehavioral Health with Honors from Penn State in 2020. After this, she earned an MPH (with a focus on Biostatistics and Epidemiology) from Penn State’s College of Medicine through the department’s IUG program. Please feel free to connect with her via LinkedIn or email [].
Rachel-Paige Mascaro headshot

Rachel-Paige Mascaro Vice President, Technology Finance, PNC Bank

Rachel-Paige is a Vice President in PNC Bank's Technology Finance Group in Philadelphia where she manages and underwrites new and existing investments in connection with leveraged buyouts, recapitalizations, and growth situations and assists in structuring debt facilities for private equity backed technology companies. Before joining PNC's Technology Finance Group, she previously worked at LBC Credit Partners as an Analyst in the Structuring and Underwriting team and in PNC's Debt Capital Markets Group as an Investment Banking Analyst. She earned her BA in International Political Economy with Honors and BA in Economics from Penn State in 2015. She is also currently working on her MBA with Penn State's Smeal College of Business. Rachel-Paige is currently an Associate Board Member of the Schreyer Honors College Scholar Alumni Society Board and sits on the Membership Committee for the Association of Corporate Growth - Philadelphia Chapter. Please feel free to connect with her on LinkedIn at
Erica Mi headshot

Erica Mi Consultant, EY-Parthenon

Jacob Nair headshot

Jacob Nair Resident Physician - Family Medicine and Community Health, Penn Medicine

Jake is currently a 4th year medical student at Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia. After graduation he hopes to match into a Family Medicine residency somewhere on the east coast! His interests in medicine include addiction medicine, LGBTQ+ health, and behavioral health. He is also passionate about advocacy in medicine as well as teaching and mentoring those interested in healthcare. He earned a BS in Kinesiology with Honors in Biobehavioral Health from Penn State in 2018. Please feel free to connect with him via email at!
Peri Newman headshot

Peri Newman Medical Student, Penn State College of Medicine

Peri Newman, MPH is a first-year medical student at the Penn State College of Medicine in Hershey, PA. She previously worked as a Clinical Research Coordinator at the Penn State College of Medicine while completing her Master of Public Health (MPH) as part of Penn State's Integrated Undergraduate/Graduate (IUG) Program, where she graduated with her B.S. in Immunology and Infectious Disease with honors in Immunology and Infectious Disease and her MPH in August 2023. Peri is more than happy to talk more about medicine, clinical research, and public health. Please feel free to contact her at or
Michael O'Connor headshot

Michael O'Connor Senior Counsel, Kraken Cryptocurrency Exchange

Michael O'Connor oversees all global litigation and disputes for Kraken Cryptocurrency Exchange. Before joining Kraken in 2019, he was in private practice in Washington, DC. He earned dual BS degrees with Interdisciplinary Honors in Computer Science and Biology from Penn State in 2005. He subsequently received his law degree from the University of Pennsylvania Law School. Please feel free to connect with him by LinkedIn.
Matthew Popek headshot

Matthew Popek Transportation Planning Manager, Montgomery County (PA) Planning Commission

Matthew Popek, AICP is the Transportation Planning Assistant Manager at the Montgomery County Planning Commission in Norristown, PA. He has worked at the MCPC for nearly 9 years and has been involved with right-of-way acquisition and construction oversight for multiple County-led projects, as well as Philadelphia regional transportation efforts including financial decisions and long-range planning. Matthew has a Master of Science degree in Community and Regional Planning from Temple University and a Bachelor of Science degree with Honors in Geography from Penn State (Class of 2009). Matthew can be reached on X (formerly Twitter) at @mpopek as well as LinkedIn.
Galen Reeder headshot

Galen Reeder Senior Vice President, Operations, dormakaba

Lisa Ruch headshot

Lisa Ruch Assistant Dean of Humanities and General Education and Professor of Humanities, Bay Path University (MA)

Assistant Dean of Liberal Studies and Professor of English and Communications at Bay Path University. M.A. in English from Indiana University, Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from Penn State. I see my Honors degree at Penn State as one of the defining aspects of my life and career and want to give something back to the program.
Sarah Shaffer headshot

Sarah Shaffer Rates & Regulatory Director, EQT Corporation

Sarah Shaffer is the Rates Manager at Equitrans Midstream in Canonsburg, PA where she works on rates, tariff, and certificate Federal Energy Regulatory Commission filings for the company's interstate natural gas pipelines and storage facilities. Before working at Equitrans Midstream, Sarah worked as the Assistant Controller - EQT Production, Senior Business Specialist - Corporate Accounting, and Rates Director at EQT Corporation, Equitrans Midstream's predecessor company. Before joining EQT in 1996, Sarah previously worked as the Financial Reporting Manager for The Ogden Newspapers, Inc. in Wheeling, WV (2004-2006) and as Assurance and Advisory Business Services Manager at Ernst & Young LLP in Pittsburgh, PA (1997-2006). Sarah earned her BS in Accounting with Honors in the Legal Environment in Business in 1997 and her MBA through the World Campus iMBA Program in 2011. Additionally, Sarah leads ASPIRE, a mentoring and scholarship program, funded by the Equitrans Midstream Foundation, serves on the steering committee for the Interstate Regulatory Pipeline Committee, is a troop leader and former Board Member and Board Development Committee Member for Girl Scouts Western Pennsylvania, and serves on the Schreyer's Honor College External Advisory Board. Please feel free to connect with Sarah at
Nikhil Shekher headshot

Nikhil Shekher Vice President (Investment Banking), Jefferies

Nik is the Technology Investment Banking Associate at Jefferies. He was preiously the VP of Sales at DBC, Inc. after working at the Bank of America Merrill Lynch in the Investment Banking division. He earned a BS in Finance with Honors from Penn State in 2016. Please feel free to contact Nik at
Aroostine Sheston headshot

Aroostine Sheston Teacher and Retired Federal Employee, Stafford County (VA) Schools

Aroostine McDowell Sheston currently teaches world history Brook Point High School in Stafford County, Virginia. She is a retired CIA Case Officer/Instructor who has visited 34 countries, (and counting). She graduated from Penn State in 1989 in Foreign Service and International Politics with her Honors Thesis on Catholicism in Poland under Communist Rule.
Steve Swart headshot

Steve Swart General Counsel, rand* Corporation

Steve is the Corporate Counsel at rand* Construction Corporation in Alexandria, Virginia where he manages company risk and oversees the legal function. Before joining rand* in October 2023, Steve worked as a construction and litigation attorney for Williams Mullen and Venable LLP. Steve earned BAs in Jounalism (with Honors) and Political Science from Penn State in 2005, and a JD from George Mason University in 2009.
Frazier Thomas headshot

Frazier Thomas Project Engineer, Thomas & Muller Systems Ltd.

Frazier Thomas works happily for his family business, a small engineering firm based in Quakertown PA. Thomas & Muller Systems Ltd. was started by his great-grandfather nearly a century ago. Now, Frazier is working and training to become the fourth generation family owner in direct patrilineal descendance. Considering Thomas & Muller is both small and a family business, his daily tasks encompass all aspects of the business. The bulk of his time is spent in basic screw design, sales calls, site visits, the creation of a database, and marketing. An insatiable reader with a ravenous curiosity, he privately studies great works of world literature and foreign languages. In 2023, Frazier graduated from Penn State with Honors in Economics and a minor in Spanish.
Leena Wardeh headshot

Leena Wardeh Medical Student, Sidney Kimmel Medical College at Thomas Jefferson University

Leena Wardeh (she/her) is a current first year medical student at Thomas Jefferson’s Sidney Kimmel Medical College in Philadelphia PA. She is currently working towards her MD degree. She graduated with Honors from Penn State in May of 2024 with a major in Biology and a minor in Anthropology. Feel free to connect with Leena via LinkedIn:
Timothy Witham headshot

Timothy Witham Professor of Neurosurgery and Orthopaedic Surgery, Johns Hopkins University

I am currently a Professor of Neurosurgery and Orthopaedic Surgery at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. I am the director of the Johns Hopkins Bayview Neurosurgery Spine Program and director of the Johns Hopkins neurosurgery Spinal Fusion Laboratory. I am also the Co-program director of the Johns Hopkins Neurosurgery residency program. I served in the US Air Force as a neurosurgeon from 2001-2005. Prior to that I completed residency training at the University of Pittsburgh and medical school at Johns Hopkins.
Jack Yoskowitz headshot

Jack Yoskowitz Litigation Law Firm Partner, Seward & Kissel LLP

Jack Yoskowitz is a Litigation Partner at Seward & Kissel LLP where he specializes in complex commercial and corporate litigation and regulatory matters predominantly for financial services institutions and individuals. Jack regularly represents clients in securities regulatory matters and private litigation, including proceedings brought by the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), state securities regulators and self-regulatory organizations. Jack has tried cases in Federal and State courts as well as before various arbitration organizations. According to The Legal 500 US, Jack is “particularly impressive for [his] strong analysis and strategy” and “highly regarded for regulatory enforcement matters.” Jack earned his degree in Psychology with honors from Penn State in 1989. Feel free to connect with Jack on LinkedIn or by email.

Learn more about me before the event by watching my episode of the Following the Gong podcast.

Schreyer Scholar Madison Evans

Schreyer gave me opportunities to take smaller classes where I’m learning enriched material. You can step out of your comfort zone and create your own path.

Madison Evans ' 20 Biomedical Engineering