Work with the Honors College Faculty Fellows Program

The Faculty Fellows Program in the Schreyer Honors College provides faculty a unique opportunity to advance honors education at Penn State. Alongside Honors College leadership and one another, three fellows will work on programming to benefit the College and its Scholars.

Dean Patrick Mather in discussion

Current Faculty Fellows

Derek Aggleton headshot
Derek Aggleton Associate Teaching Professor, Philosophy

An Associate Teaching Professor of Philosophy, Aggleton has been teaching for over 20 years, including the last 12 at Penn State. He specializes in teaching ethics and European philosophy, and has also taught communications, literature, and political science. His Faculty Fellows project focuses on helping honors instructors across the University incorporate the concept of moral literacy in their coursework.

Marcy Milhomme headshot
Marcy Milhomme Associate Teaching Professor for Continuing Education, Communication Arts and Sciences

An Associate Teaching Professor and Assistant Director for Undergraduate Studies in Communication Arts and Sciences, Milhomme also serves as the course supervisor for Effective Speech for Engineers. Her Faculty Fellows project aims to develop a "21st Century Toolbox" of communication and presentation skills for Schreyer Scholars.

Craig Pearce headshot
Craig Pearce Brova Family Endowed Professor, Leadership and Human Resources

The Brova Family Endowed Professor of Leadership and Human Resources, Pearce is a renowned scholar and author in the areas of leadership and teams research. His book, Shared Leadership, is an influential and well-regarded work in those fields. His Faculty Fellows project will explore ways to enhance offerings on leadership, collaboration, and teamwork through honors courses and other programming.

Program Details

The Schreyer Honors College selects faculty fellows to work closely with College leadership and staff on programming of mutual interest. The fellowship also comes with $2,500 per semester in discretionary funds.

Application Process

Interested faculty should communicate their current and future connections to honors education and tentative plans for their work with Honors College leadership. The application window for faculty to join the cohort forming in fall 2024 opens on April 1, 2024 and will close on April 30, 2024. To apply, please submit your CV and a brief letter of interest to Dean Mather.


For questions about the Faculty Fellows Program, please contact Dean Mather.

Schreyer Scholar Lisa Gardner

Schreyer is unique because it provides you with a supportive community of people. The staff help guide you through all the resources and experiences Penn State has to offer and the college provides you with the funding to make them happen.

Lisa Gardner ' 19 Mechanical Engineering